

Health & Safety

ISO 45001


ISO 14001

+44 (0) 1424 205140

Drallim Industries Quality Management System

Top Management Commitment to Quality

Drallim Industries’ Top Management recognises the importance of quality and is committed towards maintaining the Quality Management System to the latest edition of AS9100 incorporating BS EN ISO 9001 and endeavours to lead the company towards the continual improvement of its performance.

Drallim Industries Limited operates within its formal Quality Objectives to:

  • ensure the satisfaction of our customers at all times
  • provide products and services which aim to be “right first time, every time”
  • commit to the on-going development and education of its employees

The company sets objectives annually through management review in order to meet the required quality standards expected by our customers.


Drallim and the PDCA cycle

Drallim Industries Limited operates its approved quality management system based around AS9100 and BS EN 9001 which applies the PDCA cycle to promote continual improvement, not only of its own quality management system but also of its commitment to attain the highest level of customer satisfaction.

  • Plan – Plan the process, service or activity
  • Do – Implement the process, service or activity
  • Check – Verify the process, service or activity
  • Act – Act to implement any changes required
  • Improve – Improve the process, service or activity by repeating the cycle

Quality auditing of the management system

Our in-house auditors review all company processes on a risk based auditing structure with an aim to continually improve and enhance the effectiveness of the company’s quality management systems.

We are independently audited in accordance with our AS9100 incorporating BS EN ISO9001 accreditations by UKAS approved Certifying Bodies.

Employee Quality System awareness and Training

Top management communicates the importance of the Quality System through briefings, awareness activities and training. It is Drallim Industries priority to ensure that we employ people with the relevant skills to learn and use our knowledge in the best possible manner, including ongoing training through their careers within the company as identified through our competency and training process. The company regularly reviews competence and training needs to ensure the workforce is capable of the work required of them.

Customer care and complaint system

Customer care is the highest priority to the company, we constantly monitor our customer relationships through our customer feedback process.
In the unlikely event of any post-delivery issues our sales department are ready to react, if the item can be returned, they are able to guide our customers’ through our Return Materials Authority process, ensuring that the item returned is dealt with in a timely and efficient manner. In the event of an item that cannot be returned they can arrange for an on-site visit by our technical support team.

Drallim reacting and adapting to realise the future

Our process-based integrated management system provides a unified basis to maintain existing services and react to the future requirements of our global market. This is supported by our in-house mechanical, electrical, process and control system expertise and approved supplier network.

NameDocument numberTagDownload Link
AS9100D & BS EN ISO 9001:2015 CertificateCertificate No. 62775Quality, Certification
ISO 14001 CertificateCertificate No. E8953Environmental, Certification
ISO 45001 CertificateCertificate No. H5813Health and Safety, Certification
Cyber Essentials CertificationCertificate No. df8023ae-3364-4ccc-83cf-45a52e5f0d22 Quality, Certification, Cyber Security
MAA Design Control CertificateCertificate No. UK.MAA.DAOS.0372Certification, Design
Aerospace JOSCAR RegistrationCertification
UVDB (Achilles)AchillesID: 00023074Certification
The Railway Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme – RISQSSupplier ID:8869Certification
Quality Policy StatementSTA001Quality, Policy Statement
Health and Safety Policy StatementSTA002Health and Safety, Policy Statement
Environmental Policy StatementSTA003Environmental, Policy Statement
Terms and Conditions of PurchaseTerms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions of SaleTerms and Conditions
Supplier Quality RequirementsSQR1Quality, Terms and Conditions
RoHS and WEEE Policy StatementSTA004Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental, Policy Statementavailable on request
REACH Policy StatementSTA005Quality, Health, Safety and Environmental, Policy Statementavailable on request
Conflict Minerals Policy StatementSTA006Policy Statementavailable on request
Equal Opportunities-Inclusion and Diversity Policy StatementSTA007Policy Statementavailable on request
First Aid Policy StatementSTA008Health and Safety, Policy Statementavailable on request
Determining the Scope of the Management System Policy Statement STA015Quality, Policy Statementavailable on request
Export Controls Policy StatementSTA009Policy Statementavailable on request
Modern Slavery Act Policy StatementSTA010Policy Statementavailable on request
Business Continuity Policy Statement STA011Quality, Policy Statement, Planningavailable on request
Corporate Social Responsibility Policy StatementSTA012Policy Statementavailable on request
Information Security Policy StatementSTA014Policy Statementavailable on request
Anti-Corruption and Bribery Policy StatementSTA013Policy Statementavailable on request
Data Protection Policy StatementSTA016Policy Statementavailable on request